Artwork > Installation art

It Was One Thing After Another After Another (the series of events) at UMVA Gallery, Portland, ME
It Was One Thing After Another After Another (the series of events) at UMVA Gallery, Portland, ME

UMVA Gallery, Portland, ME exhibition called UnMonetized.
I contributed an art installation of an interior tidal zone paired with a sculpture of an unreadable book. Here is a view of the art installation called "It Was One Thing After Another, After Another (the series of events)": an urban setting blending with sand, stones, paper forms and seaweed. From the interior tidal zone in the front window, I poured sand over the edge onto the gallery floor encroaching the viewer’s space. I positioned the paper mâché bivalves and gut-like tubular pulp forms. They are the result of sorting shredding pulping and processing years of my journals, like what might be left by the sea after having been being pulverized by turbulent waves. Reflections from daylight in the window blur the perceptions of the spatial edges of art, architecture, pedestrians, and viewers.

In "UnMonetized" Exhibit at the Union of Maine Visual Arts Gallery, Portland, ME